Why A LDP Help’s You Save Money On Your Legal Needs!

Why A LDP Help's You To Save Money On Your Legal Needs!

Written by Melissa Medina

Melissa Medina is a certified legal document preparer and independent paralegal with 17 years of experience in the field. She has been helping communities in the valley through legal issues in family law, personal injury, estate planning and more since 2020.

August 28, 2022

Yes I’m sure you have heard of sites like Legalzoom and Rocketlawyer, but did you know most states have certified Individuals that provide cost effective legal services. In Arizona these certified individuals are known as Legal Document Preparers or LDP’s. LDP’s are individuals with experience in one or more areas of the legal field. These individuals are usually certified paralegals, have paralegal degrees or have years of experience working with attorneys and/or law firms and have gone on to pass the certification test and background checks to be qualified in the state they provide services in. This certification allows LDP’s to complete, draft and file legal documents without the supervision of an attorney, and this fact is precisely what will save you money on a variety of your legal needs. 

How can a LDP help you?: 

LPD’s can be an provide cost effective and affordable legal service options in a variety of legal areas such a-

  • Estate Planning (Wills and Trusts) 
  • Powers of Attorney (General, Financial and Medical) 
  • Business Solutions ( LLC formations, Contracts, etc.)
  • Divorce Filings 
  • Civil case filings and responses (Lawsuits) 
  • Probate case filings and responses 
  • Small Claims and Justice Court Filings and Responses  
  • Municipal Court Filings
  • Name Changes 
  • Guardianship and Conservatorship
  • Restoration of Rights  
  • Motions to Set Aside Judgements 
  • Personal Injury Cases 

Why are Legal Document Prepares Affordable? 

LDP’s are affordable because they are not practicing law. What does this mean? It means that an LPD is a preparer of documents, they are knowledgeable in the area of the law and procedure regarding how documents are drafted, prepared and filed, however they are not allowed to give legal advice, attend court proceedings or prepare a defense on your behalf. An LDP’s experience and knowledge takes the pressure off of his/her client by knowing the court forms or documents needed, having a clear understanding of the Court’s instructions, deadlines and options based on his/her clients needs and set of facts . In addition to having law degrees, attorneys have to maintain state bar certifications and liability insurance to provide his/her clients with Legal advice, representation and prepare a defense for their clients behalf. Because these services are not provided by an LPD they are able to provide affordable prices for the services he/she does provide in turn saving you money.     

Attorney or LDP? 

In most cases if you are facing criminal charges you should always consult and if possible hire an attorney. If you can not afford to hire one the Courts will in most cases appoint you one. Below are additional instances where attorney representation or consultation at minimum are required or recommended: 

  • Civil Suits involving large sums of money
  • Complex Divorces 
  • Estates large quantity of assets
  • Contested Probates 
  • Guardianships and Conservatorships for individuals large quantities of assets
  • Criminal Cases (Mentioned above)
  • Any area of the law where you are not sure what you need or should do. 

If you are in a position where you know what legal document you need and you just want it prepared, drafted and/or filed an LDP may be the best option for you. 

Consultations are Key!

Choosing who to hire for your legal needs can be intimidating, and this is where consultations come in handy. A consultation gives you the opportunity to ask specific questions about your legal needs, get quotes for services and get a feel about the legal professional you are considering hiring for little to no cost. In some cases you can have a consultation with an Attorney to have your legal questions answered and at that time determine what legal steps you would like to take and can use that information to hire an LDP to assist you. 

LDP’s also provide consultations where they outline the services and how they can and cannot help you. 

However you choose to determine what type of legal professional to hire, it’s always good to know that you have options and some of those options don’t have to break the bank!

Do you have any questions or concerns? Book a consultation here.

Melissa Medina
Melissa Medina

Melissa Medina is a certified legal document preparer and independent paralegal with 17 years of experience in the field. She has been helping communities in the valley through legal issues in family law, personal injury, estate planning and more since 2020.

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